
Post-Graduation Opportunities and Resources

Grad CapThe Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has partnered with the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) and other statewide stakeholders to develop a post-graduation opportunities informational packet available on LEO的探路者资源页面.

In addition, Kent ISD's Career Readiness Department has curated a 补充页面 focused specifically on opportunities and resources available in West Michigan.


And Now...计划我的未来

那么,接下来呢? I mean, you're doing the high school thing, and you've got that down and all .... 接下来呢?? 高中毕业后会发生什么?

Even if you think you know what lies ahead in your future, wouldn't it be great to know you have some options? And wouldn't it be even better if you knew what those options were? The future can seem overwhelming; but it doesn't have to be. Below are just some additional  resources available to you that can help you start thinking about what's next NOW.